I am becoming more convinced that if you wait until you’re qualified to write a book you will make a great author in the afterlife.
For the first 30 years of my life I waited for someone to tell me I was qualified to do anything. I needed a gold star or an ok from an outside source. I thought I needed the approval of the public majority to be considered adequate enough to produce content or be considered an expert. I thought I needed a degree to speak on certain subject.
I will give you an example.
I have been writing songs for over half of my life (16 years now). I have spent countless hours crafting 100’s maybe even over a 1,000 songs. I have been recognized by others for my craft on occasion and sometimes even applauded for my songs.
I do not say that to brag because most of you reading could not name one of my songs. The reason I tell you all of that is because at this point I am not a beginner songwriter. In fact on paper I would be considered a seasoned or moderate-professional songwriter.
Yet…..I acted like a beginner. I would never consider myself qualified enough to give someone advice on songwriting. If someone asked me if I was a songwriter I would downplay it because I felt inadequate to wear that title.
But a couple of months ago I turned a corner. I decided that I had something to say about songwriting. I decided that I was qualified to write on the subject.
And so I began to write. My goal was 28 small chapters on the art of songwriting. Do you know what happened? Within 30 minutes I had the chapter topics. In the first 5 days I had written half of what is going to be my first e-book. I discovered that I had more knowledge on the subject than I had realized. I found out that I, Josh Canady had actual experience and advice that could help others. When you realize you have information that can help others that is the best place to be.
And I had the thought…...this is something I have wanted to do for a long time. WHAT HAD I BEEN WAITING FOR?
In this case I had actually received approval from others about my songwriting. I had years of experience. I was waiting on some cloud formation in the sky to spell out “Your Qualified to speak on this subject”.
And now….just a month later…...I have literally almost finished writing a book on songwriting.
And here’s the thing, no one may read it. It may not do a thing. It may sit on Amazon’s digital book shelf for 10 years without a single reader. In that case what’s the worst that would happen? I would have spent time writing and thinking through an issue I am passionate about. I would have gained experience in writing a book and publishing an e-book. And yes, maybe I would be out a few bucks.
But….what’s the best that could happen? The possibilities are literally endless. It could be read and endorsed by Bono and sell 1 million copies and allow me to retire at 31. It could sell a few thousand and allow me to finally call Dave Ramsey and yell “We’re debt free”. It could be read by a teenager that decides to write a song that becomes a hit and changes his life. Or it could sell 1 copy and buy me a free lunch and be chalked up as a learning exercise.
The possibilities for a positive scenario FAR outway the possibilities for a negative one.
Now here’s the thing…..I am not saying that everyone is qualified to do anything. I have no business writing a book about starting a dog walking business. I have no experience in that field and its not something I am passionate about.
Not everyone should record an album. Not everyone should write a book or blog on a biblical subject.
I want my doctor to have proper certifications and qualifications.
But thats not your problem is it? You are waiting on permission or qualification to do something you have always wanted to do….but have never felt good enough for. You are waiting for the world to tell you that you’re great at something you’re passionate about before you show them why you’re great.
The fact is….you are great at something. The world needs what you have to offer.
I have heard many people say “there are so many ______’s already, why do we need another _____ from me”. We need it because you have a unique perspective. No one can ever perform that role in the play like you can. No one can ever record that song like you can. You are the only one who can create that website with your personal touch.
So let the scholars argue over who is qualified to teach a course...while you make money selling your own course on Udemy.com . Let others wait until they are fully certified with a book deal to write a how to guide on best SEO practices while you create a living selling one you self published for $99 on book baby.
Find where your passions meets your skills and consider yourself qualified.
A last bit of advice…..If I may be so qualified enough to give advice…..expect pushback.
Expect some to tell you you are not qualified enough to do that thing you KNOW you can do. Expect people to tell you how crazy that is. Expect the weird looks when you tell someone from your church about this idea you have to make and sell throw pillows with movie quotes on them.
Find where your passions meet your skills and start.
Try. Edit. Adapt. Move
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